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News and Announcements: We’re Making Headlines
Keep informed on all the latest news at Tandia. We're making the headlines.
Stay in the know with the latest news, press releases, announcements and updates from Tandia. Learn about Tandia's achievements, product launches, partnerships, events and other significant developments. It's all here and we want you to know about it
Am I unique? We are here to tell you that yes you are and so are your finances! You may or may not have noticed a lot of our branding uses a fingerprint image. Well, that’s because we know how you unique you truly are, and we want to make sure we treat your finances the same way.
Each person’s fingerprints are unique and at Tandia we realize your financial picture is as well. We want to celebrate your uniqueness and ensure we find the perfect fit of products and services that work for you.
Giving back generously to our community to make a positive financial, social and environmental impact is an important part of what Tandia stands for.
Find out more about our current project and programs.
Money Mindset is a collection of bite-size, easy-to-understand articles, tips and resources where we delve into the world of finance, promote financial literacy, and empower individuals to gain a better understanding of their money and how it works.
At Tandia, we believe that financial institutions should be accountable to the people they serve. We believe that there’s more than one way to measure success. We believe that our profits should have a positive financial, social and environmental impact on communities.
We understand that everyone is different, and we work hard to tailor solutions that are right for you.
Listen to our weekly Podcast that answers all your burning questions about money. We’re here to make money more relatable, with take-action tips to help you create the life you want.
We will help you tackle those financial problems, look at your goals and help you define your financial journey. Start listening!
That means you can be confident that your unique needs come first. We understand that everyone is different, and we tailor solutions that are just right for you. Our values prove it.
These values are the foundation of Tandia.
Giving back generously to our community to make a positive financial, social and environmental impact is an important part of what Tandia stands for.
Get in touch with us at any time, whether it’s a question about our services or a comment on how we can do things better. Your voice is number one at Tandia.
To report a lost or stolen MEMBER CARD® debit card during regular business hours, call 1-800-598-2891 after hours please call 1-888-277-1043.