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Online banking everything you need in one place.

Bringing banking the way you want to do it on your desktop, smartphone or tablet. Tandia upgraded the foundation we use for our website and digital banking services so that we can now offer you more. More features, more accessibility, and more value. We are focused on delivering ongoing improvements to our digital experience, so we are committed to bringing you the latest most convenient digital banking services.

Here's a snapshot of the features you can see on our online banking experience.


Check your balances, manage bill payments and view your transaction history — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


We use the latest technology to keep your money and your information safe — always.


Simple and easy to use an a desktop or a mobile device.  Fast convenient dropdowns and menus with all of your daily banking needs at your fingertips.


Pay bills, send money, transfer funds between your accounts — whenever it's convenient for you.


Check out the menu often for new options to make your online banking experience even better.


Now you can set up your CRA payments to go directly into your Tandia account.

Tandia - we are here for you

​Not yet enrolled in online banking?

Contact us or visit your local branch to get set up.