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Member Feedback

We are committed to improving accessibility for our members with disabilities.

We would like to hear your comments, questions and suggestions about the provision of our services to people with disabilities.

Please contact the Member Ombudsman, by mail at:

Member Ombudsman,
Tandia Financial Credit Union;
​3455 North Service Road Suite 100
Burlington, ON L7N 3G2

Phone: 1-800-598-2891 (press 1 and ask for the Member Ombudsman)


Please let us know if you would like a copy of our
Member Service Policy - AODA: Providing Goods and Services to Persons with Disabilities.

Want to learn more about Tandia's accessibility standards?

At Tandia, we believe that financial institutions should be accountable to the people they serve. We believe that there’s more than one way to measure success. We believe that our profits should have a positive financial, social and environmental impact on communities.

We understand that everyone is different, and we work hard to tailor solutions that are right for you.

A collage of different faces on coloured square backgrounds.

A credit union is a community based financial institution that accepts deposits, makes loans, and provides a wide array of other financial services and products.

Credit unions are among the country’s soundest financial institutions. At credit unions your deposits are safe and protected.

A brain with a plug attached to it with green dollar signs in the background

Money Mindset is a collection of bite size easy to understand articles, tips and resources where we delve into the world of finance, promote financial literacy, and empower individuals to gain a better understanding of their money and how it works.


Meet with a financial expert

Our representatives are ready-when-you-are to help with investment questions, advice and solutions. We can meet you where and how you want to meet. We are available by email, by phone, in person, or by video conferencing.

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